Category Archives: Problem

Week 6: Hypotheses and research design

With a very small group this week, we still managed to get some useful work done. The two main tasks completed in the session were:

  1. A summary of the literature as it applies to our question;
  2. A review of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development in children, to help answer the new questions.

In the summary of literature we tried to answer the guiding question we began with:

To what extent do professional players (role models) influence the behaviour of young football players?

The papers we read led us to the following basic answers:

  • Children seem to be especially attracted to high status role models (particularly boys);
  • Social Learning Theory (SLT) classes elite athletes as indirect role models;
  • The influences of role models can be complex and young people can be discerning in how they interpret (and choose to follow or reject) role models’ behaviour;
  • Young people can ‘compartmentalise’ the bad behaviour of role models, whilst accepting the good behaviour;
  • The media tend to cast a one-dimensional picture of sporting role models, but our analysis of Luis Suarez points to a more complex picture (i.e. his on-field talent is the focus of praise; whilst his immoral behaviour – racism, diving, handballs – is condemned;
  • There is little research that focuses on how role models affect children at younger ages;
  • The age at which children develop the ability to make ‘complex readings’ of role models is not yet known;
  • “Further research may show that young people can make informed and articulate judgements about sports stars as villains, fools and heroes” (Lines, 2001, p. 301)

So, we are left with a new, novel question that is suggested by the previous research:

At what age do young male footballers develop the ability to ‘compartmentalise’ the behaviour of professional players as either good or bad (i.e. as behaviour they should or shouldn’t imitate)?

SMDIn order to answer this question, we looked at the best known theory of moral development in children, as developed by US developmental psychologist, Lawrence Kohlberg. In short, he suggested that children develop increasingly complex moral understanding in six broad stages (opposite).

Drawing on this theory, we reasoned that the ability not to imitate bad role model behaviour would occur at stage 3 of the conventional level, as this is the point where behaviour begins to be referenced to social norms rather than personal advantage (e.g. I may get away with diving and gain an advantage (pre-conventional) but my coach says it’s wrong so I won’t do it). Other research has suggested that children enter stage 3 as early as age 10, but is more commonly seen as children enter their teens (ages 13-14 and upwards).

So, after all this, we’re in a position, I think, to write a research hypothesis: a statement about what we expect to find (or an anticipated answer to our question, based on theory). Have a go at writing one in a reply to this post…!

Week 3: Refining the problem

In this week’s snow-affected session we looked at the problems from last week and considered each against the CAFE acronym. The results of our discussions are captured in the image below (green is for potential positives; red is for potential difficulties):

3 problems

In summary, it was clear that each question would pose problems for data collection:

  1. The sports drinks research could be costly, time consuming and it would be difficult to control the behaviour of the participants (e.g. their diet) around the tests.
  2. The role model research, whilst novel, would require us to create a new procedure and would also rely of gathering data from children who are notoriously capricious. Luckily, I have some experience with this kind of research!
  3. The rugby participation research pits us against a problem that is complex and involves lots of variables. We discussed how difficult it is to find participants who’ve dropped out of sport, but could get around this if the university rugby society keep records of unsuccessful trialists.

All of the questions are worthy of study in my view, but they all need refining and making more specific, which will help overcome some of the problems noted above.

Since we only want to take one problem forward this week, please VOTE on your favorite in the poll below then check back on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday to see what we need to do next.

Week 2: Choosing a direction

The main task this week is to choose a research problem around which the project will be based. The process we need to go through is illustrated in the Problem page of the blog. We began this process on Monday with some brainstorming on possible problems we’d like to investigate. The output from the session is captured in the picture below:

Problem ideas

Seems that the two main ideas that gathered some traction in the session were as follows:

  1. The effects of isotonic sports drinks ingested during performance on (some performance variable).
  2. To what extent do professional sporting role models have an effect on the actions of children in football?

Use the reply function to add comments and links to interesting articles you’ve read. They don’t have to be peer-reviewed academic articles at this stage; anything relevant will be useful.


Week 1: Getting started

Marathon StartAs you all know, this term there are no scheduled lectures (seminars will be going on as normal). Instead we have an enrichment research project that will be led by you, in keeping with the university’s Student as Producer philosophy. Because it’s an enrichment project, attendance is voluntary. You only come if you want to contribute.

The aim of the project will be to create and carry out a small research project on a subject of your choosing. At the end of the term we should hopefully be in a position to write a short article and submit it for publication in Neo, the university’s student journal.

Your job will be to think of good ideas, find and read relevant research, collect data and add information to the blog each week. My job will be to assist and facilitate the weekly sessions and keep the blog up to date. You can let me know your thoughts on this by voting in the poll below.