Data collection

Below is a list of the possible closed questions (or scenarios) that we generated in class in week 8. Please comment if you think any are problematic, or if you’d like to suggest which are best for our purposes (i.e. criticising the hypotheses and answering the research question).

I have tried to use only the questions that reflect situations where a player stands to benefit personally (or their team benefits) directly from what we might call immoral behaviour (or illegal but normal behaviour, in some cases).

All questions/scenarios would be prefaced with the following statement: “imagine you had seen your favorite footballer do these things on TV, would you do the same?”

  1. Dive in the penalty area to win a penalty for your team?
  2. Handball on the line to prevent a goal?
  3. Foul an opponent who is clean through on goal to stop them scoring?
  4. Argue with the referee after he allowed a goal that you thought was offside?
  5. Continue to play (i.e. refuse to kick the ball out) when an opponent is down injured?
  6. Refuse to shake hands with the referee after they had a bad game?
  7. Walk off the pitch if you were being abused by the opposition fans?
  8. Pull the shirt of a tall opponent when defending a corner to stop them from getting to the ball?
  9. Verbally abuse an opponent to make them angry and stop them playing well?
  10. Go in two-footed on a player who fouled you earlier in the game when the referee wasn’t watching?

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